Vuyolwethu Holi

Vuyolwethu is originally from the township of Crossroads in the Western Cape. She moved to Atlantis alongside her parents and siblings in 2015 and managed to land a job working at Khanyisile Fishing as a general worker in 2015. She speaks fondly about her job and says she’s proud to work inside the factory, playing a role in producing high-quality products for the fishing and seafood industry. Along with enjoying her job, Vuyolwethu says that she has also learnt a lot since she first set foot inside.

“I’ve learnt a lot here. It’s full of lovely people who teach me so much.”

Vuyolwethu has picked up a number of new skills and has enjoyed every second of learning all about seafood, claiming to now know everything there is to know about the many diverse creatures of the ocean. She’s always excited to point out the factory’s products in the freezer at the shops when grocery shopping with her parents or sisters.

As a mom to twins who will soon be turning two, Vuyolwethu is passionate about providing for her family, which is why she has ambitions to climb the ranks in the factory, aiming specifically at stepping into a management role in the future. After all, she loves teaching others, has an outgoing personality, and enjoys interacting with people as much as she can.

Vuyolwethu also acknowledges the importance of the company attaining the quota for which it has applied.

“It’s very important to me. I support my family and it would help me to keep providing for them,” she concludes.